Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Electric Breast Pumps - Tips on Getting the Most Out of Them

!9#: Electric Breast Pumps - Tips on Getting the Most Out of Them

Electric breast pumps are very valuable products to own if you are a mother of an infant. They allow you to extract your breast milk whenever you need it, at your own convenience. Mothers who go back to work soon after the baby is born can still have breast milk available for their baby, which can be fed by a caregiver. Feeding your baby breast milk through a bottle allows others to feed your baby, including dad! Additionally, women who are physically incapable of breastfeeding because of inverted nipples or other problems can still give their babies nourishing breast milk, thanks to electric breast pumps.

Tips on Using Electric Breast Pumps

Here are some tips on using your electric breast pump efficiently:

Sterilize your pump
Ensure that you thoroughly wash and sterilize your breast pump prior to its first use. This will make sure that breast milk does not get contaminated by germs and bacteria. You can easily do this by putting the electric breast pump in boiling water for about 5 minutes (not the motor).

Pump when you have the most milk available
New mothers find that they have more abundance of breast milk during certain times of the day. For example, some women find that mornings seem to be the time when their breasts are more full. Others will find other times of the day when their breast milk is in more abundance. Once you've determined this, try to schedule some time for yourself to pump during that time.

Pump often throughout the day
Pumping every 2 or 3 hours will keep the breast milk flowing and producing. Pumping once a day may put yourself in a position where your milk is not being produced as much. In addition, your breasts may become engorged if you don't extract milk often enough, which can be very painful. If you were breastfeeding your baby directly off your breast, you would be feeding at least every 3 hours. Mimic that type of schedule and pump that often too.

Pump both breasts in each session
Make sure you swap breasts every so often when you're pumping. This will make sure that milk is being produced and extracted evenly in both breasts, which should prevent your breasts from becoming lopsided. Switch breasts after about 10 minutes.

Center the breast shield on your nipple
Make sure that you place the breast shield in the center of your nipple. This will ensure that the milk is being extracted efficiently and prevent any leakage that may occur. It will also hurt much less.

Get comfortable
You will be sitting and pumping for at least 15 minutes, so make sure you get yourself in a comfortable position.

Experiment with the intensity of the suction
Most electric breast pumps offer adjustable suction intensities, which range from light to moderate to intense. Many women may not be able to handle a strong suction, since it can be too painful for them. Experiment with each intensity so you know what works best for you.

Electric breast pumps can be a convenient item to have, especially when you can't always be there when your baby is hungry. By having the option to bottle feed the baby breast milk, you are granted freedom and flexibility.

Electric Breast Pumps - Tips on Getting the Most Out of Them

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ameda Purely Yours Ultra Breast Pump

!9#:Ameda Purely Yours Ultra Breast Pump

Brand : Ameda
Rate :
Price : $285.00
Post Date : Dec 19, 2011 04:42:55
Usually ships in 24 hours

Newly styled purely yours ultra breast pump. Dual hygienekit milk collection system. Ultra suede/fauz leather tote. Cool 'n carry tote.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Review on the Medela Swing Breast Pump

!9#: Review on the Medela Swing Breast Pump

Medela is well known for offering a line of high quality, high performance breast pumps. Their Swing Pump model with Medela 2 Phase Expression Technology is no exception. This pump has the same technology that is used for hospital breast pumps. The pump is very effective at pumping breast milk with ease.

The Medela Swing Pump is designed to pump your milk in such a way that it feels as if your baby is feeding at your breast. (This means the pump is designed to simulate your baby actually feeding rather than feeling like a mechanical pump). The pump has good suction especially for a single pump system.

A Medela pump is comfortable on your breasts. The breast shield is not uncomfortable in any way. This is unlike other brands that feel terrible when you are pumping the milk. The pump is not as fast as one with the double pumps. However, the Swing Pump is still able to pump breast milk in a relatively short amount of time.

Your Medela Swing Pump will be easy for you to take with you anywhere you need to go. It is in fact so compact that you can even throw it in your purse when you need to be away from home. This pump is so great because it is a breeze to you. In fact it only has four controls that you need to worry about. You can assemble and disassemble this pump for cleaning and use in a matter of seconds.

The pump can be a little noisy when you are pumping milk. You might find it a tad distracting if you are trying to work on something else at the same time. That is one of the only significant downsides to the Medela Swing Pump.

The pump works rather well. Of course it is not as fast and efficient as double pumps or some of the other pumps that are not so portable. However, there really are not many disadvantages to using this pump. It is comfortable and is effective when pumping milk. It is easy to carry around since the pump can be placed in the carrier that comes with the pump kit.

Review on the Medela Swing Breast Pump

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Select the Best Breast Pump

!9# How to Select the Best Breast Pump

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Breast pumps can be a godsend for nursing moms. They can give you the choice to go back to work, while making sure your little one is well nourished, they can allow dad to enjoy the bonding experience of feeding, or they can purely give you some much wanted rest while someone else feeds the baby.

Many moms prefer to buy a pump prior to the baby arriving as it gives them a chance to try out the gadget to make sure it's right for them, as well as help prepare them for repeated use. In fact, it's highly advised that bottle feeding is introduced very early on to help the baby become accustomed as well. Many babies will reject the bottle if it's introduced to them too late.

There are various types of pumps, all with different settings and accessories so it's imperative to know what you're looking for. This is especially useful before you start reading breast pump reviews. We've put together some instructions to help you discover the very best pump for your needs.

There are two foremost varieties of pumps available... manual pumps, and electric pumps.

Manual breast pumps are hand-operated by pumping a handle. The pumping stroke creates a vacuum which causes the milk to pass from the breast shield (the part that covers the breast) through the tubing and into the collection containers (usually baby bottles). A number of manual pumps use a single handle, while some have two handles.

Manual pumps can be an excellent choice for moms who plan to pump at work as they're generally of a lighter weight, and also quieter than electric pumps. However, they often take a bit more effort and may also be time intensive, so if you're planning to use it regularly you may be better suited to an electric pump, either in place of, or as well as a manual pump.

Electric breast pumps function the same way as a manual pump, however they use a motor instead of a hand pumping action.

You'll find that an electric pump will often create a higher amount of suction than a manual breast pump and also cut down on the amount of time it takes to express. A number of the better electric pumps on the market such as the Medela Pump in Style come with inconspicuous backpacks or carry bags that make them easier to transport if you plan on leaving the house with them.

And while they're noisier than manual breast pumps, there are a few available that are whisper quiet so don't be entirely discouraged by electric pumps.

Electric pumps are available in two different varieties... single breast pumps and double breast pumps.

Single Breast Pumps are made with one flange or breast shield (the part that covers the breast) and one collection bottle.

While Double Breast Pumps logically come with 2 breast shields and 2 collection containers.

A double electric pump will obviously produce more milk, in much less time than a single pump. They can be tricky to get used to at first however, if you plan on repeated use, the reward is worth persisting with the learning curve.


It's imperative to ensure that the parts of a pump that will come into contact with the milk, or with your baby are free of BPA. BPA is compound sometimes used in the production of plastics, and can be potentially harmful to your child. Most pumps on the market are free of BPA but it's always important to check.

Another concern to bear in mind is whether the breast pump uses an open system, or a closed system

A Closed system pump means that the motor is entirely blocked off from the parts of the pump that come into contact with the milk, such as the tubing, flange, and containers.

In an Open system pump there may be a chance the milk may overflow or possibly come into contact with the motor where it's impossible to clean and may create bacteria.

While a closed system is good for piece of mind, it isn't a huge concern, as contamination is very rare, especially when are careful to ensure you don't overflow the containers. Also most of the top breast pumps that use an open system are created to prevent this.


One of the helpful settings to look out for in an electric breast pump is a let-down function. This is a setting that may help stimulate the breasts when you first begin pumping so that a natural milk flow is achieved. Again... It isn't a necessity but it's something that some moms find very useful.

Another option to look out for in an electric pump is battery operation. Many of the best breast pumps are able to be operated either via batteries or AC power. And While there can be a small loss of power or suction while operating a pump via batteries, it allows you to take the pump practically anywhere. A lot of pumps also offer car chargers as an extra accessory.

Finding the best breast pump will most likely come down to lifestyle and your personal preferences. Hopefully now you have a better idea of what type of pump is suited to you and what features to look out for.

How to Select the Best Breast Pump

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ameda Breast Pumps

!9# Ameda Breast Pumps

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In Sweden, 1939, a leading gynecologist asked engineer Einar Egnell to create a better breast pump. Pumps in those days were bulky, inefficient, and even painful. He then dedicated his life to the development of a pump. After hundreds of trials he finally released the Ameda SMB Breast Pump in 1942. It was the first safe, effective, hospital-grade pump in the world. Since then, Ameda has followed in his footsteps to maintain their firm stand on the cutting edge of pumping technology, always being the first to release the latest innovations to the market. In 1998, they created the Ameda Purely Yours, which was the first personal piston breast pump, and is still a line releasing new models. The Ameda brand has always been known for providing nursing moms with the best that the industry has to offer. Their reputation reflects itself in their variety of innovative, unique, and consumer-friendly products.

The Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump is piston-driven, giving mom more comfortable and efficient pumping. It includes the Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System, for easy clean-up, as well as individually adjustable cycle and suction controls to make the pumping experience completely personalized to the mother's preferences. It's very well adapted for busy moms, with 3 options for power sources (AC adapter, AA batteries, or car charger) and portability. The whole pump weighs 1 pound, and is compact in size. Taking it to work or on errands is incredibly simple. Just toss the Cool 'N Carry tote over your shoulder and go. The tote has cooling elements as well as six 4-ounce bottles to keep a steady supply of milk ready at all times.

There is also the Ameda One-Hand Breast Pump with the Flexishield Areola Stimulator, which quickly and comfortably stimulates the let down reflex. It comes with a silicone insert, which reduces the shield size for maximum effectiveness for smaller nipples. Use is extremely easy, as there is no power supply to worry about, and mom can save time by nursing on one side and pumping on the other. Another option is to use 2 of the pumps simultaneously, which is entirely possible because the pump only requires one hand for use.

Ameda also makes 100% cotton reusable nursing pads. Their multilayered construction is designed to draw moisture away from the skin, to sooth and increase comfort. They are machine washable, and also available in disposable form. Another handy accessory is the Mother's Milk Freezer Bag. These are completely sterile bags that resist splitting or cracking while freezing, and also keep out odors.

Ameda was the first to make a mother-friendly breast pump, and they continue that splendid reputation today. They are fully committed to mothers and their comfort. Paving the way for other companies, they have transformed breast pumps to be the comfortable, effective, and easy-to-use devices they are today.

Ameda Breast Pumps

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Medela Single Deluxe Battery / Electric Breast Pump

!9# Medela Single Deluxe Battery / Electric Breast Pump

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If you are breast-feeding, you understand that it is not always possible to be home when your child to be powered, so you need a breast pump. The Single Deluxe Battery / Electric Breast Pump Medela is one of the options available. The best thing about this product that mimic the sucking motion of a child and that makes it easier to get milk. It also has numerous services to help, go to another milkBottle soon as you put it.

The Medela Single Deluxe Battery / Electric Breast Pump is a compact size that makes it a decent choice. It is very portable so you can get to work or on a plane to take on trips. The pump has a companion transformer, so that you can plug it into any outlet. If you're in a place that does not have an electrical outlet, you can use 2 AA batteries to power it.

This is a one-handed suction power, it has to offer easy to adjustThe maximum comfort when you pump the milk. The product provides a safe way to collect, store and feed breast milk.

The Medela Single Deluxe Battery / Electric breast pump designed for a user, thus sharing is not recommended. The sharing can be a real danger to you and your child. It takes into account both the mother and the baby so it's design and DEHP / BPA-free in all the different parts come in contact with your express milk.

At the time of purchaseMedela Single Deluxe Breast Pump Battery / Electric shares some of which are included in the packet network, a shell, a valve, three membranes, a milk collection container with a lid and a container stand. You also get a guide that displays information about breastfeeding and user manual.

If the batteries to power the Medela Single Deluxe Battery / Electric Breast Pump, you can get about 4 hours. This means thatYou should have some spare batteries when traveling. This is a great product for those who want to relieve sinus congestion. You must ensure that the pump milk at the same time each day so that your body to make the process can be used.

Medela Single Deluxe Battery / Electric Breast Pump

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

The First Years miPump Double Electric Breast Pump

!9# The First Years miPump Double Electric Breast Pump

Brand : The First Years | Rate : | Price : $63.54
Post Date : Sep 03, 2011 12:18:28 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Double Electric/Battery Breast Pump
BPA* Free
Includes bag to hold everything you need and no one will know it's a pump.
flexi-fit™ breast shields ensure a soft, proper fit
only you'll know you're pumping
quick cycle time and adjustable suction levels
Simple to assemble and use, compact and quiet
The First Years miPump™ is compact and sleek without sacrificing strength. It is designed to quickly and efficiently express milk. Best of all, the flexi-fit™ shield and eight suction pressure levels ensures your comfort as you pump.
flexi-fit™ shield is flexible and soft for a comfortable and proper fit
ac adapter for plug in operation
three way adapter
LED lights indicate suction level
adjustable suction, 8 suction settings for perfect customization
battery cradle allows for completely portable operation
small and lightweight, small enough to fit into your purse; so quiet, no one will know you're pumping
bottle storage lids
stylish bag holds everything you need to pump
Uses 4AA batteries (Not Included)
Complete assembly, operating, and cleaning instructions included.
Includes unique handle for double pumping using only one hand
Includes 2 Easy Pour Milk Storage Bags and 2 Lanolin Nursing Pads
Made in China
*For hygienic reasons, once this personal care product is opened it cannot be returned.
Please Note: This item has been built to U.S. electronics specifications and may need additional modifications or converters to be used in countries other than the U.S. and Canada.

  • Comfortable flexi-fit breast shield ensures soft, proper fit
  • Simple to assemble and use, unique handle gives you a free hand to multi-task while pumping
  • Quiet only you will know you're pumping
  • Efficient quick cycle time, adjustable suction levels with LED display
  • Compact so small it's easy to bring on-the-go, stylish tote for discrete travel

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Glossary of the breast pump and Breast-feeding conditions

!9# Glossary of the breast pump and Breast-feeding conditions

[if ]

2-Phase Expression

A feature of some breast pumps by Medela (Symphony, Pump In Style Advanced, not original, and swing) that cycling is started faster with less suction then after two minutes slower cycling with more vacuum strength to imitate the pattern of suckling infants. A particular let-down can be pressed once to go straight to the second mode. The Harmony breast pump is also said to have two phases. The first phase is initiated by pressing theshort part of the handle to squeeze in with the longer distances, the more powerful of the second phase of turning the hand around the long end of the handle.


The circular dark area around the nipple. It 'important during breast-feeding for the baby to latch on with more areola in the mouth as possible.


For mothers with insufficient milk production, it was a baby scale is a tool to control the weight gain of the child and also recorded the amount of breast milkin every nursing home. By weighing the child before and after breastfeeding, and thus determine some 'of abduction, one of the possible number of ounces, the breastfed baby. Because a child is usually more efficient than any pump, this pump method to determine the amount of milk that the child is always preferred. For these purposes, a child-scale accurate to 15 grams or less can be rented from many breast pump rental stations.

Wireless Batteries

In aType of breast pump, battery cordless comfort, but the force of vacuum and cycles per minute can be less than the user, see if the power supply. Pumps can also exchange slowly as the batteries run down. Slower cycles may be some discomfort, because the vacuum can be kept longer in the breast. If this happens, reduce the gap and replace the batteries with new ones as soon as possible.

Breast Pump

A unit that expresses milk from the breast. A misconception is that theBreast pump sucks the milk from the breast. A breast pump is responsible for the milk ejection reflex or the response trigger disappointment. Most pumps achieve this by sucking the nipple into the tunnel of the shield or flange then release the breast, which counts as a cycle of moving. Thirty to sixty cycles per minute with a better quality electric breast pump to wait. It 'important to note that in most cases, the pump is not as efficient as the removal of milk from the breast of the newborn.Many mothers are losing their milk when the sessions are too many to replace real-pumping and child care.

Breast Pump Reviews

Reviews of actual users of the pump milk. Two good places to find some reviews of Amazon and Epinions on the Internet

Breast shields, flanges, hoppers

The part of the breast pump that actually touches the chest, the area of ​​the nipple and areola. Medela breast shields fit almost all of their pumps and are available in sizes from 21mm, 23 mm, 27 mm, 30 mm, 36 mm and 40 mm. Ameda uses various combinations of flanges and nipples adds size 21 mm, 23 mm, 25 mm, 28.5 mm, 30.5 mm of space to meet all their pumps, but the Nurture III. See also SoftFit, Flexishield and Let-Down Massage Cushion.

closed system

Breast pump designed for multiple users, such as the hospital grade rental pumps. There is no way to pump breast milk into the engine. Read this article about breast pump used for moreInformation: Avent Isis IQ http://www.babylovesyourmilk.com/used-breast-pumps-article.htm Although breast pumps are said to be a closed system, Avent still recommends their pumps for each user.


The substance produced in the chest during the last weeks of pregnancy. This "first milk" is highly concentrated in the ideal nutrition for newborns. It 'been likened to a "cocktail of antibodies." Colostrum has a laxative effect on the child, helping him to overcome his earlyChairs that prevent the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps the jaundice help. Frequent meals with 10 to 12 times a day, a mother begins to appear regularly in breast milk, or "enter" 3 or 4 days after birth.


The models suck and release created by a pump, to simulate what a child.


Cycles per minute. See Cycling.

Double pump

Pumping both breasts simultaneously. Research with premature infants has shown double-Pumps can increase the supply of breast milk, reduce the expression of the time (yes, reducing the time in half), and produce more prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production after birth.


, Every time you removed a sufficient quantity of milk from the breast during breast feeding is painful for the disease. The milk jam, that if a mother's first milk "comes in" is a little 'less understandable, because swelling of the breast tissue itself, you canFactor. There are many treatments, the use of which has a pump briefly to soften the areola area, so the baby can latch on easier.

Covered hopper

The lid covering, as in the hopper or Avent breast pump breast shield of a child's play. The advantage is a cover to keep clean the inside of the hopper and tank milk and ready to use condition.

Flexishield Areola Massager

A shell of equipment to be purchased separatelyAmeda breast pump and used. The Flexi Shield was developed to compress the areola area, helping to stimulate the milk ejection reflex. It 'is particularly useful for small-breasted women who may benefit from the extra stimulation.

Hospital-grade breast pump

This group of pumps have a force stronger than any vacuum pumps, milk and others that are better suited to establish and maintain a supply of milk in a mother who is breastfeeding her baby for a long time, as inSituation of a premature baby or sick.


With any Ameda breast pump, with the exception of the Nurture III, a milk collection system that includes a special silicone-membrane filter. This filter is available in two ways to protect the pump motor in front of the impurities in it and the protection of the bottle of breast milk receive pollutants from the engine. This additional amount of protection to premature babies or sick, or any parent who want special attention is required in cleaningthe gathering of her milk. It does not negate the use of recommendation that all their Hygienikit Ameda pumps (except the hospital rental pumps), single user, even if the individual user Hygienikit kit is for the rental of the pump.


A highly skilled health personnel with advanced training in breastfeeding management. Due to the nature of their training, their advice on breast-feeding can be more specific and useful than a motherchildren receive from their gynecologist or pediatrician.

Breastfeeding Help

A device that is inflated by a tank usually infant formula or breast, and a long but narrow diameter pipe. The tube is introduced into the mouth of a child with the breast during breast-feeding and provides additional power for the child at the same time receiving a stimulation to promote breastfeeding. This also prevents a child from attaching to the artificial nipple and allow a motherTime commitment to provide strategies to shore up a remnant of the milk. If the advice in the context of a lactation consultant or advertising material used, could provide the milk.


The response of milk ejection reflex is known, occurs when the hormones pushing the chest muscles, causing the channel to expand, pushing the milk from all parts of the breast towards the nipple. Some mothers feel a tingling, others feel nothing. Let-down is partly a conditioned response and canencourages breastfeeding or expressing drawing routine (ie sitting in the same place, some drinking from a cup), look at a picture of the child, thinking of the milk flowing, or the thought of all of them.

Let-Down Massage Cushion

The Avent breast pump shields and flanges are made of soft silicone and have 5 petals in the shape of tables, which move in and out of the areola and help disappointment massage. Available in one size.

Milk collection bags

Marketedwith different trade names, these plastic bags for collection and storage of breast milk are determined. They look like ships, disposable bottles, but the clear difference to be thicker and stronger. For this reason, the bags are more for milk collection and freezing breast milk for the use of breast pumps, which allow you to bag suitable attachment instead of bottles. Secure Disposable bottle liners for a breast pump is not sufficient to allow a vacuum pump to createworking properly.


Abbreviation for millimeters of mercury and how it relates to breast pumps is the force of the vacuum or suction. Sufficient pressure is needed to stimulate the let-down, not to suck the milk from the breast as sometimes erroneously believed. Hospital-grade breast pumps have the highest number of Hg and are the best to establish a milk production in mothers who need help in this area because of power problems in low-or a hospital newborn. After a refuelingestablished some users have found that "less is more" and the adjustment of the suction has been turned down better let-down. Fortunately, the electric pumps are more adjustable vacuum levels.

open system

A breast pump is designed to be used by a user. See also closed system, multiple users.

To assemble the parts

As for the comparison sites Web pump as http://www.babylovesyourmilk.com/best-personal-electric-breast-pumps.htm, all parts of the breast pump, which definesmust be assembled and disassembled without any pumping power of the engine, or battery power, the milk container, cover, stand, extra breast shields or inserts, dead.

To wash the

According to the definition above web pages, all parts of the breast pump that come into contact with the breast or milk, and then every time the pump user can be washed without registration (s) for milk and cover (s).

Milk ejection reflex response (MER)


for multiple users

Hospital grade rental pumps are designed for multiple users, and car rental agencies will not be reimbursed and not withdrawn a single kit of accessories to purchase for parts (shields, connectors, tubing), which is actually in contact with the breast milk of mother or require.

Manual Breast Pump Piston

The pumping action is achieved with a piston and cylinder flows and requires the use of two hands.

Pumps hire

See moreUser

Single pump

Pumping only one breast at a time. Single pump useful for pumping one side while baby nurses the other. For some mothers the option of single pump allows them to calm down and keep her baby on the one hand, while pumping the other side.

Single User

Most breast pumps are intended for personal use, from a mother to be used only to prevent the transmission of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. Also closed lake system, multiple users


The soft, flexible breast shield that massages the breast and areola, if breast pump, Medela and product brands. Works with all Medela pumps, but used the small manual pump hearts.


Assigned to pump milk from actual users of Amazon and Epinions on a scale of five stars with five meaning the best. The reading of these judgments can be useful because they often explain specific difficulties with certain breast pump.

Trigger Type manuallyBreast Pump

The pumping action is created with a tight grip similar to that found in a spray bottle. One hand pump.


Avent is robust system of disposable containers for the collection and storage of breast milk. It can be with all Avent breast pump and some other brands also used. The disposable cup bases can be sterilized for up to three times and are also suitable for freezing. Bottle nipples are a variety of flows, adaptationSystem.


The warranty for breast pumps should be taken and saved receipts. Pumps, can get to wear the frequent use before maturity guarantees.

Disclaimer: None of these contents should be construed as medical advice and nursing mothers should strive to educate yourself as much as possible from different sources and consultation with doctors and nursing specialists, if necessary.

Note: This article may be copied "as is" for so longthis notice, and links to the websites of "Baby Loves Milk" website remain. Ask permission from webmaster@babylovesyourmilk.com before making any changes or additions.

Glossary of the breast pump and Breast-feeding conditions

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Advantages of electric breast pump

!9# Advantages of electric breast pump

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Many women want to offer incomparable pure milk diet, their children, but unfortunately many women have problems breastfeeding. These problems range from inverted nipples to create the child is not really correct. Whatever the reason, electric breast pump can be a valuable addition to your baby items. You can have a wonderful alternative to breast-feeding directly from her womb, and still the baby breast milk he or she deserves.

Electric breastPumps

There are two different types of breast pumps out there - manual and electric / battery. Both work well, but the electrical variant works better. Electric breast pumps are usually more expensive, but they have some advantages over manual pump.

Benefits of an electric breast pump

Most lactation consultants and hospitals recommend the use of electric breast pump, simply because they are better able to remove the breast milk more efficiently. Theirwork quickly and release your hand would be used to pump the milk with the manual version.

The low-end electric breast pumps are very cheap - about $ 70. These pumps are ideal for occasional use, and are usually semi-automatic. Usually able to adjust the number of pumps per minute, and the suction force. The only drawback is that the individual pumps can only pump one breast at a time. In addition, the batteries in these pumps cantend to empty quickly. The battery-operated pump is not as strong when you use an AC adapter.

Mid-range electric breast pump has more advantages than the low-end model. Although expensive, many of these models have an adjustable suction. Many of them are equipped with two pumps, so you can pump both breasts simultaneously, and are very portable.

The high-end models are more expensive, but are extremely efficient and comfortable. Many of them areHospital-grade, and the choice of many working mothers who need something that pumps quickly and efficiently. You will be able to both breasts at the same time, the pump reduces the pump by half. Cycle times are fast, and many of these models are discrete. Newer models have developed a technology that natural healing of the child very closely, mimicking developed to extract the milk more efficiently.

Of course, most of the pumps a little 'noisy and can be a bit'unpleasant and painful. The high-end models trying to make the action of these pumps as painless as possible, but it is inevitable that breast milk is full of a little competition, come, even the most delicate touch.

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The best designs should be very portable, so you can pump out if you and look forward to. They have adjustable suction action so you can vary the intensity of extraction of the milk and pulling her nipples. The chestSign size should be adjustable as all women have breasts of different size and shape. If you're looking to save time for the models are equipped with dual pumps, which allow you to search both breasts at the same time work.

Electric breast pump can be a good alternative to breastfeeding directly. You will still be able to feed the baby with milk nutrient, while freedom of pumps, whenever you can. Power extracting the milk and bottle feeding can also PopeChild when the mother is busy!

Advantages of electric breast pump

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Medela Swing Electric Breast Pump

!9# Medela Swing Electric Breast Pump

Brand : Medela
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Aug 19, 2011 14:48:20
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Expression Swing Mode, Stimulation Swing Mode. An electric breast pump which is easily adaptable to the daily routine of a dynamic mother. Ideal for occasional or frequent pumping - handy, trendy and quiet. The only single electric personal use pump with breakthrough 2-Phase Expression; Technology for maximum milk flow. First researched and developed for hospital breast pumps, 2-Phase Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm by pumping in two distinct modes. Stimulation Mode: To simulate your baby's initial rapid sucking to start your milk flowing. Expression Mode: To simulate your baby's slower deeper sucks to express your milk gently and efficiently. Includes of Medela Swing Personal Use Breast Pump: SoftFit breastshield, bottles and caps, Bottle stand, Power cord, Shoulder/next strap, Tubing, Valve and membrane, Drawstring bag.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Working mothers of breastfeeding, Medela Freestyle Breastpump Love the

!9# Working mothers of breastfeeding, Medela Freestyle Breastpump Love the

[if ]

If you're one of those mothers who do not like to feed infant formula, breast milk and wants instead of feeding the baby, you are looking for an electric pump, easy to manage and one that is not too difficult, then it may simply Medela Freestyle Breast Pump choose. Medela Freestyle Breast Pump is fully efficient in their work, why you must use your hands while working. In fact, the reason it is called a "FreestyleBreast Pump 'is due to the fact that the mother to hold the pump while running. While it saves valuable time pumping rapidly, its selective research-based technology allows the milk in a natural two-phase extraction method for milk expression.

Research shows that a child is breast-feeding from her / his mother's womb, so two-step method, instead of a single aspiration. During the first phase, the baby sucks hard and fast, and sendsSignal to the breastfeeding mother with the child's need for power. Immediately gives the mother by instinct, milk. Once the baby starts the milk, he or she slows down the rate of breastfeeding and begins to suck deep.

The same process has been pumping breast pump from Medela Freestyle and the other breast as well as applied. The first part of this process is a phase of stimulation. "At this stage, the Medela breast pump is pumping really hard to begin to signal the parentThe release of milk. In the next phase, which is defined as "phase of expression" to know the rate of extraction of the breast pump Medela Freestyle is much slower, and the milk comes out constantly.

Freestyle Breast Pump is to pump with many modern features that a GAP approach, an LCD display shows the current mode, include the pumping speed, and other relevant information is loaded. The LCD screen is really useful because it also works as a night light when the mother triedexpress milk in the dark. You can store the panel in order to save the settings you wish to use later.

The pump is very light and portable, so it is very convenient for nursing mothers. You also get a very stylish bag with the Medela breast pump that moves, while you're on the road allowed. This stylish bag can carry a lot of things that the pump itself, the body armor two 'SoftFit', two membranes, two steps back caps, including supportExtensions belt replacement adopters, two small and two large loops, Bra-adapter (universal type replacement), a pair of hooks and eyelets replacement bra adapters, four 5 oz milk container, a battery with 3 hours of workload, chargers, power cables, cooling element, cover, etc.

Working mothers who breastfeed love this pump, because keeping the baby with breast milk, and again does not allow artificial feeding. Researh has shown that breast milk is bestFood for the baby, and so is the Freestyle breastpump exactly what the mother needs. And the mother of work can be sure of this and get back to work.

This makes the breast pump Medela Freestyle a great product.

Working mothers of breastfeeding, Medela Freestyle Breastpump Love the

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Medela Swing Breast Pump

!9# Medela Swing Breast Pump

Brand : Medela | Rate : | Price : $119.99
Post Date : Aug 07, 2011 23:09:57 | N/A

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Medela Swing Breast Pump

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